During heavy work or hot summer days, horses lose a lot of fluid through sweating. This is the way for horses to regulate their body temperature. Not only fluid is lost, but also essential electrolytes (salts). In particular, sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium are lost. So if you have a busy competition weekend ahead of you or if you have a week of intensive training and the weather is warm, it is important to keep a close eye on a horse's electrolyte balance.
A horse loses about 7 to 10 liters of sweat per hour of effort in trot and canter. Normal horse feed naturally contains little salt, which makes it difficult for horses to replenish it themselves. NAF electrolytes is a good way to maintain your horse's salt content. A horse cannot store salt stores in its body, and if consumed excessively, it puts a strain on the stomach. So only use it as a supplement to shortening due to strenuous exercise. For the daily salt requirement, use a Himalayan salt lick.